The OLF SLAM DUNK Anime Figure set brings to life iconic characters from the beloved basketball-themed anime and manga, Slam Dunk. Featuring Sakuragi Hanamichi, Kaede Rukawa, Haruko Akagi, and Takenori Akagi, this collection is a must-have for fans of the series. Each character is depicted in their basketball uniforms, showcasing their distinct personalities and love for the sport.
Key Features:
- Characters: Includes popular figures Sakuragi Hanamichi, Kaede Rukawa, Haruko Akagi, and Takenori Akagi from Slam Dunk.
- Material: Crafted from high-quality PVC material, ensuring durability and a premium finish.
- Size: Figures stand approximately 28.5 cm tall, making them a striking addition to any anime figure collection.
- Design: Detailed and accurate representation of each character, from Sakuragi’s spiky red hair to Rukawa’s cool demeanor. Each figure captures the basketball court dynamics and character-specific details.
- Pose: Characters are designed in action poses or standing stances, ready to play on the court.
- Collector’s Item: Ideal for Slam Dunk fans, anime enthusiasts, and figure collectors.
Ideal For:
- Slam Dunk anime and manga fans.
- Basketball and sports anime lovers.
- Collectibles display for anime figure enthusiasts.
- Gifting for fans of classic anime series.